A chance to win AND support Hart Allotments

Details here!: add-a-sparkle-this-bonfire-night – digital

Health and Safety Information

We have created some new H&S advice documents – they are shown in the Plot Holders’ page. There is also o an updated Health and Safety Policy document on the Rules and Regs page.

Support Hart Allotments and win big (maybe)

Hi All,

We’ve signed up as an affiliate charity to Hart Lottery. This means you can (if you wish) buy lottery tickets to be in with a chance to win ££ while also supporting Hart  Allotments, as we get half the proceeds.  For more details click here 

Remember, gamble responsibly – when the fun stops, STOP  https://www.begambleaware.org/

AGM – Saturday 20th January 2018

Members, please add 20/1/18 to your diaries for the next AGM. If there’s anything you’d like raised in advance for the AGM agenda please email admin@hart-allotments.org.uk by the time of the next committee meeting on December 11th.  Thanks!

HAA AGM 2017 Minutes and 2016 Accounts summary

The full minutes for the 2017 HAA AGM, including the Chairman’s report, can be seen here. A summary of the HAA accounts for  year ending 30th November 2016 is here – please note the accounts shown is just a summary statement - full details of the account details are available on request from the Treasurer:  treasurer@hart-allotments.org.uk

Hitches Lane closed 19th March 2017

Due to the Fleet half-marathon on 19th March, Hitches Lane will be one-way traffic only with restricted access to the Pilcot site between approx. 10.00 am and 1.30pm. Probably best to avoid going to you plot until after this time – it’s quite early in the season so hopefully not a massive inconvenience!

Site Security

To deter fly-tippers, we’ve been asked to keep the main front gate shut  while people are onsite. The gate need not be padlocked (we’ll get new string to hook it over the post if needs be ). The inside gate can stay open.

The pallets area has been cleared and we are not getting any more so it  - please be vigilant if you see anyone dumping anything there, then, providing you can do so WITHOUT PUTTING YOURSELF AT RISK please take a photo or note registration but STAY SAFE and don’t challenge them.

There’ll be a chance to discuss at the AGM

Committee Meeting 29/11/16 and AGM agenda

The next committee meeting is November 29th - if there’s anything you’d like raised please email admin@hart-allotments.org.uk . We’ll also discussing the next AGM in January so if there are any particular agenda items you’d like raised then too please let us know. Drainage is already on both agendas! Thanks!


Attn members – Plot swaps

There are a number of plot holders on small plots wishing to upgrade – if you’re thinking for any reason that you’d prefer a smaller plot than you have then please contact secretary@hart-allotments.org.uk

Pilcot Harvest Festival – Sat 10th September 2016

Our next social event (harvest festival/bbq/quiz etc.)  will be Saturday 10th September at Pilcot- put the date in your diaries – more info to follow!