Archive for January, 2014

Nov 2013 Newsletter Now Available

The latest newsletter is now available: HANewsletterNov13

Update on Allotment Sites

Dear all

Thanks to all those who responded to the consultation document that we sent out over the Christmas period advising that the planning permission had now been put in by Berkeley Homes to build phase 2 of the Edenbrook estate which includes the provision of allotments(possibly ready summer 2015).   We got a ‘mixed bag’ of results from the consultation with  people on the list advising that they:

  • had got allotments elsewhere
  • were waiting to hear about the allocation at Church Crookham before deciding
  • wished to withdraw from Pilcot farm allotments
  • wanted to continue with the Pilcot farm allotments
  • wished to be taken off the waiting list

and we had a high number of non-responders.  We still need those people who did not respond to complete the consultation please (as this confirms that you are still interested in obtaining an allotment somewhere).

The committee met earlier in January.  The proposed lease arrangements (for Edenbrook and Pilcot Farm) and the consultation results were discussed.   It was decided that there was too much uncertainty at the moment to determine the long term viability of Pilcot Farmallotments.   We do not want the farmers to pay lots of money providing car parking on site, building tracks etc.  if in a couple of years time individuals have left to go to Edenbrook, Church Crookham, Elvetham Heath or Yateley allotments.   We therefore discussed with the farmers the idea of providing a TEMPORARY site at Pilcot Farm for 2 years allowing time for things to settle and allowing us the opportunity to get growing and plant up this year and next.    After that time the viability of the site will be reviewed and a decision can then be made as to whether we have sufficient people for both the Edenbook and Pilcot Allotments.  (Once allotments are up and running we will advertise the availability of plots in the area if numbers are low)

The farmers have agreed to this temporary site and they are able to:

  • plough and cultivate the field (once the weather improves)
  • provide a water standpipe
  • keep livestock out of the allotment field (thereby using the existing boundary fence)

Individuals will be able to drop off tools etc. at the site and then park elsewhere.  Suggested examples are Leisure Centre, old Hitches Lane by school, just off new Edenbrook roundabout, Country Park/Show house car park at Edenbrook.

We will be sending a separate e-mail to those people who have already applied for a plot on Pilcot Farm.  This contains a link to a new survey.  We would kindly request that ALL people who have applied for a Pilcot Farm allotment complete the survey.  The survey asks whether this changes their decision regarding plot size, whether they wish to now withdraw, when cheques will be cashed (15th Feb) /destroyed etc.   Having a temporary plot on Pilcot Farm will not alter anyone’s position on the waiting list.

For those who now wish to apply for a temporary plot on Pilcot Farm, please visit the Hart Allotments website, ( download the application form, complete it and send payment.

Since we changed out status to an Industrial & Provident Society (co-operative) we need to have members.  You need to be a member of Hart Allotments in order to have a plot on Pilcot Farm or Edenbrook (when they become available).  Even if you do not want a temporary plot on Pilcot Farm at this time, we would still love your support and encourage you to become a member of HartAllotments.  This helps us carry on with the work of securing and organising allotments for our area.  Only members of Hart Allotmentswill in the future be invited to and be able to vote at the next AGM.  Annual membership is £10 per annum.  If you would like to become a member please complete the membership form attached and return with your payment of £10.

Many thanks
Sylvia Cresswell
Secretary Hart Allotments